Pregnancy loss, called “abortus” in the medical literature; It means the termination of pregnancy for various reasons before the first half of the pregnancy, that is, before the 20th week or before the baby reaches a weight of 500 grams.
Pregnancy Loss (Abortus)
Pregnancy loss, defined as the expulsion of embryo/fetus attachments that have not acquired the characteristics of survival and survival under external conditions, out of the uterus during pregnancy; It is usually seen in the first 3 months. Pregnancy losses, the most important cause of which is chromosomal disorder, generally occur around the 13th week.
The probability of miscarriage gradually decreases in the later stages of pregnancy. While the risk generally covers the first 8 weeks, the risk can be observed up to the 13th week.
Pregnancy loss frequently occurs due to the negative effects of various reasons on pregnancy, such as genetic reasons, multiple pregnancies, chromosomal anomalies, drugs and radiation. In addition, some immune system diseases and congenital uterine shape and function disorders are among the most important causes of pregnancy loss.
Types of Miscarriage During Pregnancy
- chemical pregnancy
- Habitual abortion, that is, recurrent pregnancy losses
- Spontaneous abortion (spontaneous miscarriage)
- Abortus insipiyen (unavoidable miscarriage)
- Rest abortion, that is, the situation of remaining material remaining
- Incomplete abortion, that is, incomplete miscarriage
- Complete abortion, that is, complete miscarriage
- Bligted ovum, anembriyonik yani boş gebelik
- Missed abortus yani fark edilmemiş düşük
- Septik abortus yani kriminal abortus
- Elektif abortus yani isteğe bağlı düşük
- Erken düşük
Gebelikte Erken Düşük
Kadın hayatının en uzun dönemi olarak bilinen reprodüktif döneminin sık karşılaşılan sorunlarından birisi olan erken gebelik kayıpları, elbette çok üzücü olaylardır. Ancak, bazı gebeliklerin düşükle sonuçlanmaması halinde ilerde bir çok problemle karşılaşılması olasıdır. Bu nedenle, sağlıklı gebeliklere zaman hazırlamak için rahim, düşük ile gebeliği sonlandırabilir. Düşük sonrası kendini yeniden yenilemeye alan rahim, bir süre sonra gebeliğe hazır hale gelecek ve sağlıklı bir gebelik için uygun ortamı sunacaktır.
Erken düşük, suprapubik ağrı ve uterin kramplar ile ortaya çıkar ve devamında vajinal kanamayı da beraberinde getirir. Embriyonun uterustan atılması anlamına gelen bu kanama, genellikle gebeliğin ilk 12.haftasında ortaya çıkar.
Gebelikte Geç Düşük
Gebeliğin ilk 12.haftası ile 20 haftasına kadarki süreçte yaşanan düşüklere, geç düşük denir.
Gebelikte Spontan Abortus (Kendiliğinden düşük)
Spontan abortus, gebeliğin hiçbir müdahaleye gerek kalmaksızın kendi kendine rahim dışına atılmasıdır. Myomlar, servikal yetmezlik ya da uterusun şekil bozuklukları; spontan abortusun sebepleri arasında yer almaktadır.
Gebelikte Abortus Imminens (Düşük tehdidi)
Gebelik kaybına sebep olan bir diğer durum gebelikte abortus imminenstir. Genellikle gebeliğin ilk 5 ayında fetüs ya da embriyo canlı olmasına rağmen vajinal kanamalar devam eder ve düşük tehdidi oluşur. Alt abdominal ağrı ve kanamalar; düşük tehdidini mutlaka akıllara getirir. Açık tondaki kırmızı renkler, yeni bir kanamanın habercisi iken koyu renkli kanamalar daha az riskli bir durumun habercisi olabilir.
Gebelikte Abortus Insipiens (Kaçınılmaz düşük)
Gebelikte kaçınılmaz düşük olgusu abortus insipiens olarak bilinir. Abortus insipiens; kanamayla başlar ve rahim ağzının aniden açılması ile meydana gelir. Bu durumda ise bebeğin dışarı çıkarılması için gerekli müdahaleler şarttır.
Gebelikte Inkomplet Abortus (Tam olmayan düşük)
Gebelikte inkomplet abortus, tam olmayan düşük olarak adlandırılabilir. Plasenta, amniyon kesesi ve zarından oluşan gebelik materyallerinin rahim dışına çıkması durumu olarak da nitelendirilen inkomplet abortus, 10 haftalık ve üstündeki gebeliklerde sık rastlanabilir. Bu durumda ise hastaya mutlaka ultrason yapılmalı ve daha sonra kürtaj edilmelidir. Rahim içi parça kalmadığında kürtaj işlemi sonlandırılır ve daha sonra hasta, kontrollere çağrılır.
Gebelikte Rest Abortus (Artık materyal kalması)
Gebelikte rest abortus, düşük yapıldıktan sonra rahmin içinde kalan gebelik materyallerinin şikâyet yaratması durumuna verilen isimdir. 6 ila haftadan büyük gebeliklerde sık görülen bu durum, tekrar kürtaj işlemi ile çözüme kavuşturulur.
Gebelikte Komplet Abortus (Tam düşük)
The removal of all pregnancy materials from the body along with bleeding and uterine contractions is called complete abortion. This condition, which is common in early pregnancies of 4 to 5 weeks, will not affect fertility, although it is sad.
All symptoms of complete abortion, which can be detected by vaginal ultrasound, may disappear on their own. However, the placenta must be removed.
Empty Pregnancy (Blighted ovum, anembryonic pregnancy)
Empty pregnancies, also known as blighted ovum or anembryonic pregnancy, are a situation we frequently encounter today. It is absolutely necessary to terminate this pregnancy, as not having a baby while the amniotic sac and placenta have formed will not be a normal pregnancy. Empty pregnancy, which can be detected in a short time by ultrasonography, is terminated by abortion.
Missed Abortus
Missed abortion, as the name suggests, is when the miscarriage is not noticed. Although the embryo completely loses its viability, it may not manifest itself with miscarriage or bleeding. This situation usually occurs when complications arise, but it may also occur during routine check-ups.
Elective Abortion During Pregnancy (Optional abortion)
Optional abortion, that is, elective abortion, is the process of terminating pregnancy depending on the wishes of the expectant mother and father.
Chemical Pregnancy
The situation where the fertilized egg cannot continue with the development of a healthy embryo can also be called chemical pregnancy. This type of pregnancy, which is accompanied by menstrual bleeding, will disappear spontaneously with menstrual bleeding. Therefore, there is no need for medical interventions such as abortion.
Habituel Abortus (Recurrent pregnancy losses)
Recurrent pregnancy losses are also known as habitual abortion. Habitual abortion, which is also defined as the occurrence of 3 or more spontaneous miscarriages in a row; It may be caused by hormonal imbalances, cervical insufficiency, infections and chronic diseases.
Septic Abortion
If intrauterine infection occurs during a criminal or spontaneous abortion, septic abortion, which is an unwanted pregnancy, manifests itself with high fever, foul-smelling discharge, bleeding and abdominal pain.
Assoc. Dr. Achieve a Healthy Pregnancy with Pregnancy Consultancy and Pregnancy Follow-up with Onur Topçu!
Pregnancy loss is, of course, a very difficult process for expectant mothers and fathers. However, while sometimes pregnancies need to be terminated in order for the mother to continue her life in a healthy way, sometimes pregnancies can end spontaneously. The type of pregnancy loss is determined through physical examination, detailed history, analysis and tests and necessary interventions are performed. After this stage, pregnancy counseling and pregnancy follow-up services are offered to couples who are considering pregnancy again, the cause of the miscarriage is investigated and all necessary treatments are provided to prevent another miscarriage. If you are at risk of miscarriage or complain about recurrent miscarriages, you should contact Assoc. Dr. You can meet with Onur Topçu and say “hello” to a healthy pregnancy after the necessary treatments.
Stay healthy..
Prof. Dr. H. Onur Topçu
Gynecology & Obstetrics-In Vitro Fertilization and Advanced Gynecological Endoscopy Specialist
Onur teacher was very supportive and encouraging at every stage of the process, from the very beginning to after the surgery. He informed us in the best and most accurate way by explaining all the details of the process completely and clearly. I would like to thank my teacher Onur very much and definitely recommend him to those who are looking for a doctor in this field.
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