Closed Hysterectomy

Portfolio Description

Prof. Dr. Onur Topçu

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist

16 Years of Experience

Over 1000 Laparoscopic Endometriosis Surgeries

Over 1000 Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Surgeries

Over 500 IVF Treatments

The information provided below about medical diseases is not for advertising purposes. These are articles intended to inform and promote patients. If you think you have one of the diseases listed below, we recommend that you be examined by healthcare professionals who specialize in this field for medical advice and treatment.

Closed Hysterectomy (Laparoscopic Hysterectomy)

Closed hysterectomy is a patient-friendly surgery. Because this type of surgery; It has many advantages such as less pain for the patient, less bleeding, better cosmetic results, faster recovery period and shorter hospital stay. The surgery takes approximately 30-40 minutes in experienced hands.Experience is very important in closed surgery technique. For years, I actively worked and managed clinics where closed (laparoscopic) surgery was performed. I tried to be beneficial to my patients by performing thousands of closed surgeries. In addition, I have played and continue to play an active role as an educator in the training of both assistant physicians specializing in obstetrics and gynecology and obstetrics attending post-vocational training courses so that this form of closed hysterectomy can be performed more widely in our country.

I believe that surgeries should be performed with appropriate indication (justification) and appropriate surgical technique in order for my patients to receive maximum benefit. I see my patients in my clinic in Ankara as my main center. However, on some days of the month, I see patients in Istanbul who live in Istanbul and cannot come to Ankara and need closed hysterectomy for any reason. For detailed information and an appointment in Ankara or Istanbul, you can contact us via the phone number in the contact section.
You can contact us via WhatsApp by clicking here to make your appointment.

In order to understand this informative article about Closed hysterectomy (Laparoscopic Hysterectomy), it is necessary to know in which cases the uterus should be removed and other types of hysterectomies. I think it is a fundamental right of everyone to be informed about different alternatives. Therefore, without going into too much detail, I will try to explain in which cases the uterus may need to be removed and all hysterectomy techniques.

Situations Where Uterus Removal May Be Required

  • Myomas
  • Endometriosis disease
  • Adenomyosis disease
  • Severe uterine bleeding (that does not stop despite treatment)
  • Endometrial hyperplasias (especially hyperplasias with atypia)
  • Vaginal prolapse
  • Cancer (uterine cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer)
  • They are pelvic inflammatory diseases.

Can Ovaries Be Removed During Hysterectomy?

Regardless of the technique used to perform hysterectomy, it is possible to remove the ovaries during the surgery. Removing the ovaries does not pose additional risks to the patient’s hysterectomy.

The important thing here is to decide whether or not to remove the ovaries during hysterectomy before the surgery. In the pre-menopausal period, the patient may experience some undesirable conditions such as severe hot flashes, osteoporosis, and increased cholesterol levels due to the removal of her ovaries. However, if the ovaries are not removed, they will still be at risk for diseases such as cancer that may originate from the ovaries in the future. The important thing here is to clearly explain to the patient what advantages and disadvantages removal of the ovaries brings to the patient and to decide together on this issue.

Uterine Removal Surgery (Hysterectomy) Techniques


  • Hysterectomy with laparotomy (open)
  • Vaginal hysterectomy
  • Closed hysterectomy (Laparoscopic hysterectomy)


Open (Laparotomy) hysterectomy: In this type of surgery, a uterine removal surgery (hysterectomy) is performed by making an incision approximately 10 cm long on the skin in the abdominal area. This incision is often similar to the incision made during a cesarean section. A horizontal incision is made, medically called a transverse incision. Rarely, a vertical incision extending towards the navel is needed. Today, this open surgery is about to be completely replaced by laparoscopic hysterectomy, which has many advantages for the patient.
Stay healthy..

Prof. Dr. H. Onur Topçu
Gynecology & Birth-In Vitro Fertilization and Advanced Gynecological Endoscopy Specialist




Hello, I recognized my teacher Onur from the comments here. For about 10 years, I had been experiencing heavy bleeding, pains that woke me up from sleep, thickening and enlargement of the uterus, polyps, myomas and constant surgical operations. I was so hurt that I was not keen on open surgery. That’s why I started researching closed surgery. Many doctors did not approve of closed surgery. They suggested open surgery and I refused. Until I met Onur Hodja… He enlightened me so well that I decided to have closed surgical hysterectomy without thinking and I did. I was discharged the next day. This was a great relief for me. I also had a problem with urinary incontinence because my fibroids were putting pressure on my bladder, and my quality of life was at an end. There was no medicine left that urologists did not give. My teacher Onur solved this problem. Now I am very comfortable. I would like to thank Onur Hodja and his team for everything. I’m so glad to have you, I’m so glad I met you… May your path be bright and your successes be eternal.

Sen*** G***

With the opinion of four specialist doctors, whom I had been postponing for years and whom I thought were quite competent in their field, I learned that my condition, which I thought was just a myoma problem, was extra painful due to the varicose veins of the uterus, and only because Mr. Onur, who was very precious, told me that removing myomas would not relieve my aches and pains, caused me anxiety and anxiety during the examination. What I forgot to mention with excitement (for some reason there is a feeling of hesitation in front of the doctor, you know :)), the fact that he listed each of my complaints much more accurately and one after the other made me feel very confident at the first examination. I entrusted myself to him with complete trust and peace and decided to have surgery immediately. I had a very successful surgery that showed a much more comfortable and faster recovery compared to all the people I know around me who had similar illnesses and surgeries. His response to my questions as quickly as possible at all times ensured that I did not experience anxiety during my recovery process. I’m glad I didn’t put it off for so long that fate brought me such an expert. It is a reference to every friend around me who has complaints about gynecological diseases, and with that peace of mind, I strongly recommend it to my fellow women who are looking for the same as the old me. I am very happy to entrust myself to him and my daughters to his precious wife. I am glad our paths crossed, I am truly happy to have met you, our dear doctors.

Bil*** U***

Due to my long-standing problems, I went for an examination with Onur Hodja. He performed my laparoscopic (closed) hysterectomy with the courage and confidence he had given me during the first examination. Although it was a difficult operation, I had no pain or discomfort afterwards. It was as if I had fallen asleep and woke up after the operation. On the third day, I returned to my normal life and all the complaints I had suffered for years disappeared in a moment. I had a very pleasant operation with Onur Hodja’s smiling face, his interest and his expert attitude in his field. In my opinion, the esteemed Hodja Onur, whose surgical skills I can describe as flawless, stems from human psychology. With his understanding, trust and With his empathetic approach, he is the prime example of what the relationship between patient and doctor should be. Prof. Dr. Onur Topçu is a wonderful doctor in his field, an expert in his field. I’m glad we have him, our esteemed professor. Thank you very much for everything. I cannot overlook this. Both the clinic staff and the hospital were all excellent. Thank you for your hands and efforts.

Ed.. Ak..

My paths crossed with Onur Hoca during the pandemic period. Before examining me, they said I could have covid-19. When I talked to Onur hocam, he said, “Even if you have covid-19, I will operate on you.” I was very happy with that helpless state of mine. One of my tubes had an abscess, and my teacher treated it with closed laparoscopic surgery and all the support he gave me during the hospital process. 5 months ago, my uterus and ovaries had to be removed, and my bladder had to be repaired. I came to my teacher without researching any doctors, I’m glad I did. I had always heard that these surgeries were very painful and difficult. But thanks to my teacher, I easily went through this process without any difficulty. I recommend my teacher to everyone without hesitation. Thank you so much, teacher. May your successes be eternal.

Şul*** S***

Hello doctor site readers ,,, I met Onur bey thanks to a close friend who had a deep endometriosis surgery,,, When I found out that I had a 12 cm myoma by coincidence, I started to research doctors,,, all the doctors I went to told me that due to the size of the myoma, I needed to have open surgery,,, actually, I am very detailed and excessively panicked I wanted to get rid of the myoma as soon as possible,,, I had no hope of a closed operation, when I made an appointment with Onur bey on the recommendation of my friend,,, of course, before I went, I researched him,,, his operations,,, I understood that I wasted my time in vain and realized that he was the only address I would go to He spent serious time on laparoscopic operations,,, very experienced, well-equipped physician,,, He explained every detail to me in a way that I could understand,,, I decided on surgery in ten minutes,,, we set the date for the hospital and insurance procedures he and his dear assistant dealt with all the details,, I had surgery about a month ago,,, I stayed in the hospital for one day,,, painless ,,, painless ,,, the operation was very comfortable,,, It’s been about a month since the operation,,, I started work 4 days later,,, I started my sports routine a week ago,,, Besides being a very experienced, well-equipped physician, as a person he can empathize, a very valuable person He entrusted himself to me with