Prof. Dr. Onur Topçu
Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist
Sciatic Nerve Endometriosis
The information provided below about medical diseases is not for advertising purposes. These are articles intended to inform and promote patients. If you think you have one of the diseases listed below, we recommend that you be examined by healthcare professionals who specialize in this field for medical advice and treatment.
What is Sciatic Nerve Endometriosis?
Sciatic nerve endometriosis is a disease that occurs when endometriotic foci grow in or around the sciatic nerve track and put pressure on the sciatic nerve.
Sciatic nerve endometriosis can cause severe groin and foot pain, difficulty walking, and foot drop.
How Does Sciatic Nerve Endometriosis Occur?
Since the exact cause of endometriosis is unknown, the cause of this condition is also unknown. However, sciatic nerve endometriosis, which is a rarer form of endometriosis, occurs as a result of endometriosis tissues pressing on the nerve.
What Kind of Complaints Does Sciatic Nerve Endometriosis Cause?
The sciatic nerve is one of the longest nerves in the body. Branches coming out of the spinal canal form the sciatic nerve and continue to the foot. Its trace is on the back of the body. Pain, numbness, cramping and tingling sensations are felt in the buttocks and thighs. The pain usually continues from the back of the leg to the heel.
What are the accompanying complaints in Sciatic Nerve Endometriosis?
Pelvic pain, irregular menstrual bleeding, severe menstrual pain, pain during intercourse, nausea, depression and anxiety are complaints mostly seen in Sciatic Nerve Endometriosis.
Pains usually begin during the menstrual period, but over time, the pain continues regardless of menstruation. It can cause foot drop, leading to difficulty in walking. It may cause loss of sensation and muscle weakness.
How to Diagnose Sciatic Nerve Endometriosis?
It is very difficult to diagnose sciatic nerve endometriosis. If the woman has known endometriosis and describes sciatic pain, sciatic nerve endometriosis may be suspected. Methods such as MRI, ultrasonography and tomography can help in diagnosis. However, most of the time, everything is reported as normal in imaging methods. Here, the examination finding comes to the fore. It can be diagnosed based on examination findings and history of endometriosis and exclusion of possible accompanying herniated disc. Additionally, sciatic nerve involvement can be tested with Lasègue’s test. Early diagnosis is important for possible recycling in the nerve.
How to Treat Sciatic Nerve Endometriosis?
In rare cases, progestins can reduce pain. In addition to sports such as walking, yoga and swimming, physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications may be beneficial. However, if these treatments are not beneficial; That compressive tissue must be removed laparoscopically. However, this surgery should be performed by a surgeon experienced in this field, because sciatic nerve endometriosis is a surgery with a high degree of difficulty.
This type of surgery is performed as part of the branch of neuropelviology. I would like to give some information about neuropelviology below.
As a result of my work as an advanced endoscopy surgeon and advanced endometriosis surgeon for many years, I gained my expertise in neuropelviology, the founder of this branch of science, Prof. I received training from Marc Possover by successfully completing the theoretical-practical-surgical courses organized by him in Zurich, Switzerland.
Neuropelviology, the branch of science, deals with diseases arising from the nerves in the pelvic part of the body. Unfortunately, due to the anatomical structure of this region, which concerns many specialties (general surgery, gynecology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, physical therapy, urology, etc.), patients suffering from complaints caused by the structures in this region are examined by many different branches of medicine and have to undergo treatment for many years. They cannot be diagnosed and may even be referred to psychiatry. Below you can read my brief informative article about the branch of neuropelviology.
What is Neuropelveology (Neuropelviology)?
It is a branch of science that investigates the causes of pelvic nerve dysfunction and injuries, and diagnoses and treats diseases affecting the pelvic nerves.
What kind of diseases does neuropelviology deal with?
Hyperactive bladder, urinary and fecal incontinence, urinary retention (inability to urinate)
Neuropathic pelvic pain
Genital area, hip, thigh, back and sciatica pain
Tumors of the pelvic bones and nerves
Loss of spinal cord functions after spinal cord trauma
Loss of sexual function in men and women.
As the founder of Ankara Endometriosis Center, I try to heal endometriosis patients in my clinic in Ankara. Additionally, on some days of the month, I see patients suffering from endometriosis who live in Istanbul and cannot come to Ankara. For detailed information and an appointment in Ankara or Istanbul, you can contact us via the phone number in the contact section.
You can contact our clinic for detailed information.
Stay healthy..
Prof. Dr. H. Onur Topçu
Gynecology & Obstetrics-In Vitro Fertilization and Advanced Gynecological Endoscopy Specialist
Im Februar 2023 hatte ich eine Dünndarmresektion aufgrund einer tiefen Endometriose. Dies war ein seltener Fall, bei dem ich mehr als sechs Jahre brauchte, um den richtigen Arzt zu finden: Dr. Onur Topçu ist der beste Arzt, den ich mir wünschen kann. Der Umgang mit hartnäckigen Dünndarmobstruktionen alle zwei bis drei Monate ist seit über sechs Jahren mein Kampf. Sein einzigartiges Fachwissen und Können befreiten mich von dem Problemteil meines Körpers und ermöglichten mir die Rückkehr zu einem normaleren Leben. Dank der Laparoskopie und einem kleinen Schnitt in meinem Bauch konnte ich schnell wieder meinem normalen Alltag nachgehen. Ich Dr. Ich bin unglaublich dankbar für die gemeinsamen Erfahrungen und Bewertungen, die zu Artillery geführt haben, und ich hoffe, durch das Teilen meiner Gedanken anderen, die vor ähnlichen Herausforderungen stehen, Unterstützung bieten zu können.
Darüber hinaus plädiere ich als Mitglied von Endometriose-Gruppen in den USA dringend dafür, dass Sie sich bei meinem Arzt in der Türkei behandeln lassen, anstatt Ihre Zeit zu verschwenden. Wir raten unseren Freunden, nicht zu zögern und sich an Dr. Ich schlage vor, dass sie darüber nachdenken, die beste Behandlung von Topçu in Anspruch zu nehmen. Ich bin so dankbar, dass ich ihn gefunden habe und er mir das Leben gerettet hat ??
Haz.. Haz..
In February 2023, I had a small bowel resection due to deep endometriosis. This was a rare case that took me more than six years to find the right doctor: Dr. Onur Topçu is the best doctor I could ask for. Dealing with persistent small bowel obstructions every 2-3 months has been my struggle for over six years. His unique expertise and skill freed me from the problem part of my body and allowed me to return to a more normal life. Thanks to the laparoscopy and a small incision on my abdomen, I quickly resumed my normal routine. Me Dr. I am incredibly grateful for the shared experiences and reviews that led to Artillery, and I hope to offer support to others facing similar challenges by sharing my thoughts.
Additionally, as a member of endometriosis groups in the USA, I strongly advocate that you seek treatment with my doctor in Turkey instead of wasting your time. We advise our friends not to delay and contact Dr. I suggest they consider getting the best treatment from Topçu. I am so grateful that I found him and he saved my life ??
Haz.. Haz..
We went to Dr. Onur 2 years ago, as a result of my research on the internet, for the treatment of endometriosis symptoms that I have been suffering from for years and because we wanted to have a baby. From the moment of the first examination, you understand that you are in the right place with his reassuring knowledge and approach. We went to other gynecologists many times and got a real diagnosis of endometriosis for the first time. The happiness you experience when you meet the specialist and the comfort of finally being in the right place are worth everything. In my first examination, the diagnosis of my cysts and intestinal adhesion and the condition of my ovaries and tubes were revealed with the medicated HSG performed for detailed examination. Our primary goal was pregnancy, which we have been trying for 2 years but could not achieve. That’s why Onur When my doctor performed embryo freezing with in vitro fertilization and then removed the adhesion caused by endometriosis with closed surgery and intervened in my cysts and tubes, he provided a suitable environment for the baby and relieved my pain. I got pregnant with the first embryo transfer, which took place 1 month after the surgery. We are finally at the place we aimed for. We wanted to experience these feelings and support my health. We owe a debt of gratitude to my teacher Onur, who helped me reunite. We have seen these days thanks to his support, knowledge and the trust he gave by reassuring even a person as anxious as me. Of course, to Ms. Gülşah and İlknur, who always showed us their smiling faces and sincerity at the clinic during this long and difficult process, and who were happy with my pregnancy news like the members of our family. We thank the lady very much.
FİL*** U***
Zey*** G***
I am grateful to my teacher Onur. I have been suffering from my menstrual period since 2018, which started in my right groin and went down from my right knee to my feet. I could not find the reason. I went to doctors and drank boxes of painkillers. Thank God, my illness is finally over. He found my painful area as if he had put it with his hand, diagnosed me with deep endometriosis and performed my surgery the next day. He explained very clearly and beautifully that this was the cause of my pain, which we felt for the first time. He patiently listened to the answers to every question I asked and explained me. He performed my surgery the next day. Since we came from a distance, he was discharged at the end of the 2nd day. May God bless my teacher Onur Topcu, thank God, I got rid of my pain, every time I call him, I thank him very much, I highly recommend him to everyone, my dear teacher Hasan Onur Topçu.
Ayş*** A***
I have been suffering from deep endometriosis for 2 years. There is no doctor left that I haven’t visited. He made the diagnosis with a single examination. Onur Hodja was always there for me, with his thoughtful behavior during my surgery and the psychological process I went through. He is a doctor as good as Onur Hodja, his knowledge of endometriosis and treating me as if I were a patient. I’m glad we crossed paths with someone like you. He still does my check-ups. He is not only a good doctor but also my biggest supporter.?
Pın*** K***
Onur Hodja is a truly competent person and is very successful in chocolate cyst surgery. Endo and adeno is a very challenging process for a woman. I’m glad I had surgery with Onur Hodja. All my pains are gone. I always went to the emergency room during my periods. Thank God, it goes very easily. It’s only been 2 months since I had the surgery. He is an expert teacher that you can choose with your eyes closed.
Hil*** T***Onur Hodja is a truly competent person and is very successful in chocolate cyst surgery. Endo and adeno is a very challenging process for a woman. I’m glad I had surgery with Onur Hodja. All my pains are gone. I always went to the emergency room during my periods. Thank God, it goes very easily. It’s only been 2 months since I had the surgery. He is an expert teacher that you can choose with your eyes closed.
Nur*** H***
I met my very valuable teacher after a long research and reached him on the internet. I had endometriosis, I had severe pain and bleeding. There were also times when I fainted from pain. He was diagnosed three years ago. I had surgery at another hospital two years ago, but my pain was not going away. This March, I found my doctor Onur, he performed my surgery in May and I am very well now. I’m glad I came across my teacher Onur. I am truly grateful to him. I, who had difficulty walking before, now even do sports. I cannot thank my teacher Onur enough.
Mer*** K***
Hello doctor site readers,,, I met Mr. Onur through the recommendation of a close friend who had deep endometriosis surgery,,, When I found out that I had a 12 cm myoma by chance, I started researching a doctor,,, all the doctors you went to said that I had to have an open operation due to the size of my myoma,, ,, Actually, I am a very detail-oriented and extremely panicky person, I wanted to get rid of myoma as soon as possible,,, I made an appointment with Mr. Onur upon the advice of my friend, even though I had no hope of getting rid of it,,, of course, before I went, I realized that I was wasting my time when I researched him,,,the operations he performed,,,the only thing I will go to. I realized that was the address. He is a very experienced, well-equipped physician who has spent a lot of time in laparoscopic operations. He explained every detail in a way that I could understand. Within ten minutes, I had already decided to have the surgery. We set the date for the hospital and my insurance transactions with his dear assistant. He took care of all the details,, I had surgery about a month ago,,,stayed in the hospital for one day,,,painless,,,painless,,,the operation was very comfortable,,, It has been about a month since the surgery,,,4 days Then I started working,,,I started my sports routine for a week,,,Apart from being a very experienced and equipped doctor as a doctor,,,he is also a very valuable person who can empathize as a person. I thank him very much.
Züb*** Y***
Onur Hodja, who I came across by chance while searching for a doctor on the internet due to my severe abdominal and groin pain, wrote his comments to his patients and made an appointment with him. He is truly a valuable person who does justice to what he wrote… Myoma) is a wonderful person, apart from enlightening me, with his interest, his friendliness, his approach as a friend rather than a patient-doctor relationship, and where you can ask any question you can think of without limit and get answers to. After the examination, we decided to have surgery and he said that he had brought out a little monster inside me, as he called it, and he gave me back my quality of life. He brought zero pain after the surgery, zero problems, zero problems, and I don’t want to miss the team in the office and the team in the hospital, because they were as sincere and sincere as Onur Hodja, a family atmosphere was created, they were all valuable people… Onur Hodja is much more than a doctor, he is a doctor that you will choose without hesitation and will never regret. The doctor is still a doctor who calls me back regardless of the time if there is something on my mind (it has been 3 months since the surgery, but my doctor is at the end of the phone and is a person who answers all my questions and enlightens me).
Güz*** Ş***
Hello, I have been having heavy menstrual bleeding for about 10 years. Even though I went to many doctors, my condition could not be diagnosed. When I saw Assoc. told. He answered all my questions sincerely and sincerely from the first day. I had my surgery using the laparoscopic surgery method and was discharged the next day. I thank him and his team. It’s been 3 weeks and everything is fine now, I’m glad to have you.
Yav*** D***
Hello, I had excessive menstrual bleeding and pain every month, my life was like a nightmare until I met my teacher Onur. I am grateful to my doctor Onur. I had a very good surgery. I am very comfortable now. He is very successful in his profession. You can easily entrust yourself to him.??
Şer*** Ö***
Hello, I have been having heavy menstrual bleeding for about 10 years and for this reason, there was no doctor I went to. The ones I went to were treated with medicines etc., but a clear diagnosis could not be made. By chance, I found our teacher Onur on social media, his clear and understandable posts caught my attention and I decided to get examined. He welcomed me and at the first examination, he diagnosed my condition and learned that I had endometriosis and adenomyosis, that is, uterine enlargement with severe bleeding and adhesions up to my intestines (.Laparoscopic). He said that I needed a closed hysterectomy. He gave me confidence by answering the questions in my mind clearly. I had my surgery and was discharged the next day. 3 weeks have passed and thank God I am very well. I feel very lucky to have met Onur Hodja. He is a competent physician who can be trusted without hesitation. I would like to thank our Hodja Onur very much. I am glad I met him.
Rab*** D***
When the endometriosis symptoms that I had been suffering from for a long time (difficulty urinating, constipation, chronic pelvic pain (this was the worst), etc.) became intolerable, I decided to have surgery, and with the recommendation of my doctor and gynecologist friends, I contacted Onur Hoca. I’m over it. It’s my second month after the surgery and I’m very comfortable. Thank God, I don’t have the pain that made my life miserable. Thank you very much for your attention, sincerity, humanity, in short, for everything.
Özg*** A***
Our meeting with my dear teacher coincided when I went to many places and could not get a response to the treatments and lost hope because they were called psychological. I came across him while searching the internet to see if anyone had the same condition as me. I talked on the phone and requested an appointment. She listened and examined me with great care. She understood what I was going through. Follow it for a while. She decided to have surgery. He performed my difficult surgery successfully. She never left me alone, both before and after the operation. He answered my questions politely. Before I met my teacher, I couldn’t walk and was tired with stomach aches. He extended his healing hands to me. I can’t thank him enough. It’s been 6 months she. I’m very good right now. I have no more pain. I would like to thank my dear teacher and his team a thousand times. I hope it will touch many more people waiting for healing.
Züm*** T***
I met Mr. Onur thanks to my doctor Barış Büke in Izmir. Every period I had was incredibly painful and difficult. My pain during intercourse and examination was very intense. Mr. Barış referred me directly to Mr. Onur, we went and met and decided to have surgery. It was very stressful, I was very scared, but it was not at all what I expected. I had almost no pain after the surgery. If you have deep endometriosis and are afraid of surgery, do not be afraid. Thank you very much, Professor Onur, she has menstrual periods that are not too scary, I’m glad we met her.Esm*** Y***Adet ağrılarım ilk adet olduğumdan itibaren her zaman cok siddetli geçerdi ancak evliliğimin ilk ayinda adet dışı korkunc bir kasik ağrısıyla kendimi hastanede buldum. Defalarca farkli doktorlarda muayene edilmem, mr a girmem vs tetkikler neticesinde endometriozis hastası olduğumu ogrendim. Geçen s üre içerisinde bacaklara,kalçalara vuran ağrılar, aşırı adet kanamaları ve bununla birlikte ortaya cikan anksiyete sorunlarıyla boğuşup durdum, ameliyat oldum. Ancak doktorun bilgi ve tecrübesinin bu konuda yetersiz olması nedeniyle ameliyat derdime derman olmamakla birlikte sorunlarımın daha da artmasına neden oldu. Araştırmalarım sonucunda ogrendim ki Türkiyede bu ameliyatları hakkiyla yapan sadece bir kaç doktor varmis, bunlardan birisinin de Ankarada olması benim icin büyük şanstı… Sevgili Onur Hocam, ne desem az kalir sizin icin, çektiğim o kadar sıkıntının bir ödülü gibiydiniz benim icin… Zor gecen endometriozis ve adenomyozis ameliytindan sonra ağrı kesicisiz, ağrısız, ağlamadan gecirdigim günleri size borçluyum, ameliyattan sonra yeniden doğdum.. Mütevazı, sizinle birlikte üzülen, sizi anlayan bir doktora ulasmissaniz eğer tüm soru işaretleri bitiyor zaten… Her şey icin cok teşekkür ederim, iyi ki varsiniz Onur Hocam ?
esr.. k..
My menstrual pains were always very severe since my first period, but in the first month of my marriage, I found myself in the hospital with a terrible groin pain that was not menstrual. As a result of being examined by different doctors many times, having MRI scans, etc., I learned that I had endometriosis. Over the past period of time, I have been struggling with pain in the legs and hips, excessive menstrual bleeding and the anxiety problems that come with it, and I had surgery. However, due to the doctor’s insufficient knowledge and experience in this regard, surgery did not cure my problem but caused my problems to increase even more. As a result of my research, I learned that there were only a few doctors in Turkey who performed these surgeries properly, and it was a great chance for me that one of them was in Ankara… Dear Professor Onur, I can’t say enough about you, you were like a reward for all the trouble I went through… Endometriosis, which was a difficult time, and I owe you the days I spent without painkillers, without pain and without crying after the adenomyosis surgery. I was born again after the surgery. If you have reached a doctor who is humble, feels sorry with you and understands you, all the question marks are already over… Thank you very much for everything, I am glad to have you, Onur Hodja. ?
tah.. f..
He is a doctor who is very knowledgeable about the subject of endometriosis. Even though I went to the Endometriosis Association’s list for my pain that has been negatively affecting my quality of life since 2007 and went to doctors who I thought were very experienced, I could not get a clear diagnosis about the cause of my pain. I could not get a clear answer to my questions. My pain is unbearable. I stopped going to the doctor because I couldn’t get an answer even though it had reached such a size. I decided to get examined by Onur Bey in a post on the social media of the Endometriosis Association because of his descriptive and knowledgeable way of speaking about the disease. Frankly, before I went, I was not without anxiety because he was one of the youngest doctors on the doctor list of the association. He solved the cause of the pain and gave me the confidence that other doctors could not give with his conversations, approach and attitude. He easily diagnosed the condition that caused the pain I had been experiencing for years; I know and believe that it will solve my pain. Endometriosis patients know very well that there are very few doctors who understand this disease and generally doctors go to Istanbul or Bursa for treatment, but as a patient, I recommend going to Ankara to Onur Bey. Frankly, he is unaware of him even though he has been very close for all these years. I am very sorry for wasting my time seeing different doctors in different cities for my pain.
Painful deep endometriosis disease, which spread to my intestines and my abdomen from the cesarean section, has been in my life for many years, unfortunately, I had not even managed to explain the situation to many gynecologists I went to. Some people see myoma, some say it’s a chocolate cyst, some say it’s not a cyst, but none of them could make sense of my complaints about the intestines. When I found my teacher Onur and at the first examination, I realized that I had finally found a doctor who enlightened me and understood and explained all my troubles better than I could before I even explained them. He is an expert doctor who has adopted the multidisciplinary approach required by deep endometriosis with his team in Ankara. Not only the removal of endometriosis but also all my myoma and isthmocele problems were solved with a single closed surgery. I would also like to thank him very much for his kindness, calmness and friendliness, and for answering my phone whenever I needed it before and after the surgery and solving my problems.
I recommend Onur Hodja to everyone. I got rid of my endometriosis pain and felt like I came back to life.
For years, I had been suffering from unbearable pain during each menstrual period and defecation. In the last hospital I went to, they were going to put a medicated coil. I wasn’t satisfied either. I’m glad I found Onur Hodja. As soon as I did the ultrasound, he told me that my disease had penetrated both my intestine and swollen one of my kidneys. I almost lost my kidney. Thank God, I got rid of my pain after a successful closed surgery. Those who suffer from this pain know that I feel like I was born again. I would like to thank Onur teacher and his team very much.
Ay…r. Zo……an
I live in America. I had surgery once in America for endometriosis, but my pain did not go away, they only removed my chocolate cyst. I learned about Onur Hoca thanks to a friend of mine. She is so knowledgeable about endometriosis that she has officially devoted herself to this disease. He calmly explained to me the mechanism of the disease, how the pain occurs, and that it is not only the cyst but the nodules that cause the pain. During the examination, he detected my nodules. He performed closed surgery on me. My pain completely disappeared on the second or third day after the surgery. I never thought it would pass so quickly. I cannot thank Mr. Onur enough.
Ka…le. Gö….li
I had chocolate cysts. Both of my cysts are stuck together. He took great care of me. He is a very caring, well-intentioned doctor.
Ke…an D