Vaginal Discharge and Itching

Portfolio Description

Prof. Dr. Onur Topçu

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist

16 Years of Experience

Over 1000 Laparoscopic Endometriosis Surgeries

Over 1000 Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Surgeries

Over 500 IVF Treatments

The information provided below about medical diseases is not for advertising purposes. These are articles intended to inform and promote patients. If you think you have one of the diseases listed below, we recommend that you be examined by healthcare professionals who specialize in this field for medical advice and treatment.


As I tried to explain below, vaginal discharge may not be associated with any disease, or cervical cancer</ It may be accompanied by serious diseases such as strong>. That’s why I recommend all women to have their annual gynecological examination and to be examined by a gynecologist for long-lasting, recurring vaginal discharge complaints without waiting for their annual check-up.

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Vaginal Discharge and Itching

Vaginal discharge and itching is a condition that a woman may encounter at least once in her life. Vaginal discharge and itching complaints that occur due to various reasons; It can also cause frequent underwear changes, bad odor and some problems during sexual intercourse. Vaginal discharges are divided into physiological and non-physiological.

General Approach to Vaginal Discharge

Physiological (natural) currents

Physiological currents are natural currents. It is quite normal to have these currents. These vaginal discharges have positive effects on vaginal hygiene, sexual intercourse and pregnancy. Discharges that are clear in color, have the consistency of liquid egg white, and are not accompanied by itching or bad odor are physiological, that is, natural discharges. This type of discharge occurs in all women. However, in some women, these discharges may be more than normal and these women have to change pads frequently. These physiological discharges start in small amounts at the end of the menstrual period, increase in the middle part of the menstrual period when the egg hatches, and end with menstrual bleeding. The increased physiological discharge that occurs in the middle of menstruation, during the rupture of the egg, facilitates sexual intercourse and facilitates the transport of the sperm so that it can fertilize the egg.

At the end of the menstrual period or just before the beginning of the menstrual period, there may be smelly, brown or rust-colored vaginal discharge. The most common cause of these vaginal discharges is a small amount of menstrual blood accumulated in the vagina, and this can sometimes cause odor.

If the consistency and appearance of your vaginal discharge is like cheese curds or curds, or if your vaginal discharge is accompanied by bad odor, brown color and foam-like discharge, I recommend that you consult your gynecologist. In addition, with the increase in the number of cesarean sections in our country in recent years, women with menstrual blood accumulation at the cesarean scar site (istmosel) The number is increasing. Istmocele disease may cause bleeding or discharge in the form of spotting even after menstruation ends. This should be taken into consideration, especially in women who have had a cesarean section and who have vaginal bleeding or discharge in the form of spotting after menstruation. (You can access our Istmosel page here .)

Non-physiological currents
Non-physiological discharges are discharges that occur in the light of a certain reason. This may occur in light of other conditions such as infectious or cancer. Commonly non-physiological discharges include vaginitis or cervicitis.

  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Swelling and edema collection of the external genital area
  • History of itching and irritation
  • Dyspareunia, that is, feeling pain during sexual intercourse
  • Rare or persistent vaginal bleeding
  • Vaginal discharge accompanied by pain in the groin and lower abdomen may also be a sign of more serious infections.

What are the causes of non-physiological (natural) discharge?

 Causes originating from the vagina:

Causes originating from the cervix:

  • Active or chronic cervicitis
  • Cervical cancer discharge
  • Sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia
  • Cervical lesions such as cervical polyp, myoma

What are the Most Common Causes of Vaginal Discharge?

Vaginal discharge due to infection is the most common;

  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Fungal infection
  • It is caused by Trichomonas infection.

Apart from the cases I mentioned above, sexually transmitted infectious agents such as gonorrhea and chlamydia can also cause vaginal discharge.

This most common bacterial vaginosis and fungal infection can also occur in women who are not sexually active. Discharges caused by these infections mostly develop due to disruption of the vaginal flora. Vaginal flora can also be disrupted by stress, long journeys, eating changes, rapid weight gain or loss, washing the inside of the vagina, use of chemicals for vaginal cleaning, and antibiotic use.

Apart from these cases, vaginal itching, dryness or discharge may occur due to atrophy during menopause. However, these complaints occurring during this period should be taken into consideration more and serious underlying diseases such as cancer should be excluded.

What are the Types of Vaginal Discharge?

Determining the types of vaginal discharge is a very important detail for both a clearer diagnosis and a complete treatment. There are usually several different types of vaginal discharge. These types are generally categorized by their color and consistency, as some types of discharge are considered normal.


White discharge from the vagina is usually related to the menstrual cycle. While it is normal to have some white discharge at the beginning or end of menstrual periods, itchy white discharge may require treatment. Because, symptoms of yeast and fungal infection include itching and whiteness with a cottage cheese-like consistency.

Clear and watery

Clear and watery discharges that can be seen at any time of the month can be considered normal.

Open and flexible

Vaginal discharge that is light colored and stretchy and contains mucus indicates that you are ovulating and does not require treatment.

Brown or bloody

Brown or bloody discharge that can be seen at the beginning or end of the menstrual period can be considered normal. However, these spots may also be a sign of an early pregnancy. Implantation bleeding may also occur due to recent unprotected intercourse. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor for all brown or bloody discharge outside the menstrual period. Because, bloody discharge is among the known symptoms of cervical cancer. In addition, fibroids or other abnormal growths can also cause bleeding. To rule out all these conditions pap smear test, pelvic examination is required.

Yellow or green

Yellow or green discharge that emits a fishy odor may indicate infection. In patients who complain of yellow, green and foamy discharge, the discharge is usually due to trichomonas infection. Partner treatment is also required for trichomonas infection, gonorrhea and chlamydia-related infections.

Bloody vaginal discharge, especially after sexual intercourse, should be taken seriously. This may be the first sign of cervical cancer.

Stay healthy..

Assoc. Dr. H. Onur Topçu
Gynecology & Birth-In Vitro Fertilization and Advanced Gynecological Endoscopy Specialist



Onur teacher was very supportive and encouraging at every stage of the process, from the very beginning to after the surgery. He informed us in the best and most accurate way by explaining all the details of the process completely and clearly. I would like to thank my teacher Onur very much and definitely recommend him to those who are looking for a doctor in this field.

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