The information provided below about medical diseases is not for advertising purposes. These are articles intended to inform and promote patients. If you think you have one of the diseases listed below, we recommend that you be examined by healthcare professionals who specialize in this field for medical advice and treatment.
Hysteroscopic Myoma Treatment
As a physician who has performed thousands of hysteroscopy procedures in the hospitals where I work, I can easily say that hysteroscopy is a patient-friendly procedure. Hysteroscopy In order to ensure that a patient-friendly surgical procedure such as Hysteroscopy can be performed widely throughout Turkey, Women’s Diseases and Obstetrics Congresses and Local Meetings are held. I have served and continue to serve as a trainer in the training of Diseases and Obstetrics Assistants and Specialists. I am still actively working to ensure that this patient-friendly surgical procedure becomes widespread. Some of the featured hysteroscopy procedures I have performed istmosel Procedures such as defect repair, septum (uterine curtain correction) resection, Asherman syndrome (intrauterine adhesion opening) correction, intrauterine polyp and intrauterine myoma resections are required Youtube or on my page Instagram and get informative information. You can read my articles.
Myoma Treatment and Closed Myoma Surgery pages.
After working in Education-Research and Private hospitals for years, I worked as Assoc.Prof. in November 2020. Dr. We established Ancyra Clinic with Mustafa Erkan Sarı in Ankara. We see our patients in our clinic and perform the necessary surgical operations in private hospitals with which we have agreements.
You can contact us via WhatsApp by clicking here to make your appointment.
Office hysteroscopy For (diagnostic) hysteroscopy appointments, you can call our phone number 0533 049 66 87. In our own clinic, we can also perform office (diagnostic) hysteroscopy with our own hysteroscopy device, which is not available in many clinics.

What is Myoma?
Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that develop from the muscle tissue of the uterus. They are the most common pelvic tumors in women. However, this frequent occurrence should not scare women. Because myomectomy surgery, which is the surgery to remove fibroids from the uterus, is performed only if myomas cause a complaint in women.
Submucosal Myoma
Submucous myoma; It is a term used for myomas that have a relationship with the inner wall of the uterus. It is a type of myoma that can negatively affect pregnancy outcomes. Submucous myomas can be found entirely within the uterus (Type 0), or more than 50 percent (Type 1) or less than 50 percent (Type 2) can be found inside the uterus. Submucous myomas may need to be removed in order to increase the chance of pregnancy. These types of myomas are suitable for hysteroscopic surgery.
Hysteroscopic Myomectomy
In this type of surgery, no incision is made in the abdomen. It is a type of surgery performed by entering the uterus through the vagina with a surgical instrument called a hysteroscope. However, this type of surgery is not possible for every myoma. It is a type of surgery that can only be applied to the treatment of submucous myomas (originating from the inner layer of the uterus). This surgery gives satisfactory results, especially for myomas smaller than 4-5 cm, and the patient can return home on the same day.
You can contact our clinic for detailed information.
Stay healthy..
Prof. Dr. H. Onur Topçu
Gynecology & Obstetrics-In Vitro Fertilization and Advanced Gynecological Endoscopy Specialist
Hello Professor Onur, I also had myoma surgery. I’m glad I saw him at Dicle University. Thanks to his colleague Nurullah from , I met him thanks to his expert and experience, he cleaned my entire myoma with hysteroscopy. He removed a myoma that grew from inside to outside due to its structure and was larger than my size, with a single operation. I went through the surgery without any problems, and my return to my normal life was fast. I had had this surgery before with a different doctor using hysteroscopy and I had no problems after the surgery, but since the doctor could not discover the structure of my myoma during the surgery, even though he said that he had removed almost all of it after the surgery, even half of my myoma was not cleaned in the post-operative check-up. When he said that he would perform the second surgery, I did not want to be at the same doctor again (in cm). Even though it was a smaller myoma that could be removed in one go, the idea of not being able to clean it in the second surgery unfortunately became dominant and unfortunately, due to the stress of the second surgery, I had to postpone the surgery for a while and prolong the process until the myoma grew again and caused problems such as excessive bleeding. However, Onur Hoca is bigger. He cleared a myoma in one go. He is a doctor who can be recommended by his colleagues and can be preferred in Ankara due to his success in patient stories. I would definitely not recommend you to make a decision without taking his opinion. I would like to thank him again.
Hel*** K***
Der Lehrer von Onur war in jeder Phase des Prozesses, vom Anfang bis nach der Operation, sehr unterstützend und ermutigend. Er hat uns auf die beste und genaueste Art und Weise informiert, indem er alle Details des Prozesses vollständig und klar erklärt hat. Ich möchte meinem Lehrer Onur sehr danken und ihn auf jeden Fall denjenigen empfehlen, die einen Arzt auf diesem Gebiet suchen.
Arz*** A***
Professor Onur hat ein so klares und ruhiges Auftreten, dass man die Krankheit sogar liebt, wenn man aus seiner Perspektive auf seine Krankheit hört. Er führte meine Operation drinnen durch und ich stand bereits, als er herauskam. Ich hatte nie das Bedürfnis, ins Bett zu gehen. Wenn Sie zum ersten Mal in seine Klinik gehen, werden Sie verstehen, was für ein kompetenter und selbstbewusster Arzt er ist.
cer.. t..